Accessibility – Flyer – Multidrug resistant bacteria

You or one of your family members carries a multidrug-resistant bacteria.

It is completely normal for us to carry bacteria: every single one of us is host to several billion. We come into contact with them through our environment, food and animals and also through our social relations.

The widespread use of antibiotics has progressively made some bacteria resistant. You may have heard of MRSA, ESBL, CPE, VRE… These bacteria can cause infectious diseases that are more difficult to treat.

When we carry bacteria of this kind without presenting any sign of infection, we are a “healthy carrier”. Being a healthy carrier doesn’t require treatment of any kind (except sometimes for MRSA). On the other hand, you should try to avoid antibiotics.

How do I know if I am a carrier of a resistant bacteria ?

We can all be carriers of resistant bacteria, but generally it is only revealed following tests during a hospital stay.

Depending on the kind of bacteria hospital staff are looking for, the test will be taken by means of a rectal swab (digestive tube bacteria) or another type of swab (nose, throat, wound)… More rarely, the bacteria will discovered by chance on a urine or respiratory sample…

There is no need to worry about it outside a care setting. You may carry the bacteria for several months or even several years.

Sometimes, in more vulnerable people, the bacteria may cause an infection. Antibiotics will only be prescribed at this stage: if they are given too early, they are not effective and can even be harmful.

Precautions at the hospital

Our staff care for several patients every day, some of whom are very weak and vulnerable. Many of them present injuries, have been through surgery, are on a drip…

In order to ensure that these vulnerable patients do not become infected with the resistant bacteria that you carry, our staff will need to put on protective equipment before coming into your room (gloves, coat, mask…). A poster informing them of the correct equipment will be displayed on your door.

You will generally be given a single-occupancy room, at no extra charge. The door can stay open.
If you want to leave your room, please talk to care staff beforehand.

Keep in mind to desinfect your hands multiple times per day – at least every time before you leave your room. if possible, it would be preferable for you to change your clothes everyday..

Precautions during visits

Your visitors will not have to wear protective equipment.

Remind them :

  • To disinfect their hands before leaving your room
  • Not to sit on your bed
  • Not to use your toilet
  • Not to visit other patients after visiting

Precautions to take at home

You can return to work and enjoy social interactions as before without taking any specific precautions, but we recommend that you follow a few simple basic hygiene measures:

Wash your hands regularly with warm water and any soap you choose: before and after going to the toilet, before cooking…

Change your bed linen regularly and wash it at a high temperature (ideally 60°C or over) with your usual washing detergent. Ironing is also a good way to kill bacteria.

Mop throughout your house regularly with a standard cleaning product. Bleach is particularly effective for cleaning toilet areas.

Also remember to inform the people caring for you that you carry drug-resistant bacteria.


Hôpitaux Robert Schuman
9, Rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg
T +352 286 911

HRS – Hôpitaux Robert Schuman S.A.
Service Prévention et Contrôle de l’Infection
9, rue Edward Steichen
L-2540 Luxembourg
+352 28 62 36 68