Accessibility – Flyer – Prostatakarzinomzentrum : Prostate Cancer Center

Your comprehensive and coordinated care

Your treatment

The multi-disciplinary team at the Prostatakarzinomzentrum draws up a personalised therapeutic strategy according to the characteristics of the tumour and your general health. You will be offered one or more of the following treatments.

Active monitoring
Some prostate cancers grow slowly with no clinical signs or pain. In such cases, a structured monitoring approach may be proposed.

Focal therapy:
Delivered by ultrasound through a probe or using targeted ionising radiation that destroys the tumour cells. These latest generation treatments may be an option for patients with localised, early stage tumours.

Radical prostatectomy is an operation that involves removing the tumour and nearby lymph nodes. It is generally a minimally invasive surgery procedure where the laparoscopy is assisted by the Da Vinci robot.

This technique uses high-energy rays to destroy the cancer cells. Radiotherapy is administered in the form of short daily sessions over a period of five to eight weeks.

Hormone therapy or chemotherapy:
Early combination of these treatments effectively slows the growth of cancer cells in some patients. Other drugs help preserve the bone structure or treat pain associated with these treatments. These treatments are indicated in the more advanced stages or certain cases of aggressive cancers.

Support care:
In addition to specific cancer treatments, the Prostatakarzinom zentrum integrates support care to maintain your quality of life. This care includes dietary, psychological, spiritual and social support.

Multidisciplinary decisions:
At the multidisciplinary team meetings your clinical situation is discussed so that we can offer you the best possible treatment that is most relevant to your situation. Doctors who specialise in urology, oncology, radiotherapy, pathology, radiology, nuclear medicine and the Case Manager all take part in these monthly meetings.

Medical specialists

  • The urologist, specialist in the prostate, makes the diagnosis, removes the tumour surgically where necessary and provides post-operative follow-up.
  • The radio-oncologist uses ionising radiation to treat cancerous diseases.
  • The pathologist examines the sample(s) of prostate tissue under a microscope in order to establish
  • the diagnosis and determine the aggressiveness of the tumour.
  • The oncologist prescribes drug treatments and also monitors these treatments.
  • The radiologist uses state-of-the-art imaging technologies (CT Scan, MRI) to look at your anatomy and accurately establish the extent of the disease.
  • The nuclear medicine physician is a specialist in molecular imaging, such as PET-CT, PET-MRI or bone scintigraphy. They also determine the extent of the disease.

The urologist and Case Manager are your main points of contact. They can offer consultations relevant to your situation. At every stage, your doctor collaborates with the other members of the care team at the centre in order to offer you the best possible treatment. During outpatient treatments (chemotherapy, radiotherapy) your Case Manager will be the link between the various different members of the care team.

Mein referring physician:

My Casemanager:

Your contacts

Case Manager
The role of the Case Manager is to coordinate the multidisciplinary management of every patient in accordance with the standard processes established by the prostate Centre of Excellence. This person is the designated nurse for both you and your family. Her role is to optimise the standard of care your receive and its efficiency in line with your needs and they provide biopsychosocial, familial and professional support. She helps you organise and schedule your care path in collaboration with your doctor. The Case Manager will support you during the various stages of your care path, from diagnosis through to the different treatments offered to you. She is your link with the other members of your care team.

The nurses
The team of nurses welcome you, provide the necessary care and administer the treatments. Their role also involves understanding your priority needs which they relay throughout your care path. Our care team update their knowledge on urology on a regular basis. A dedicated nurse in continence care assesses your quality of life with you.

The mobile pain team (composed of medical specialists and specialist nurses)
Pain management at every stage of the patient’s care path is a priority for our entire institution. To this end, a multidisciplinary team can be called during your hospitalisation and even as part of outpatient care.

Medical specialists in radio-oncology and technical assistants at the François Baclesse Centre
Technicians in medical radiology work together with radio- oncologists to refine treatments. They support you during irradiation sessions.

The physiotherapists
The specialist physiotherapist provides guidance on healthy lifestyle choices and rehabilitation of the pelvic floor muscles to reduce the risk of urinary incontinence following total radical prostatectomy.

The psycho-oncologist
Facing prostate cancer can be a real obstacle to overcome which we can help you with. A psycho-oncologist, psychotherapist specialised in psycho-oncology, is available to listen and provides you with psychological support to help you develop coping strategies in response to the disease and manage your emotional well-being. If needed, you will be referred to the outpatient psychological department to ensure continuity of psychological care after you have left hospital.

The dieticians
The dietary service helps you adapt your diet to your personal situation.
They emphasise the pleasure of eating and drinking while ensuring you are achieving an adequate nutritional intake.

Social care
The social department provides social support during your stay in hospital whether as an in-patient or out-patient (chemotherapy) that is in accordance with your life plan using a global approach to best assess the situation and thereby find the best solution to the difficulties you are facing. The social worker listens, offers advice and information, and support and guidance, as well as help with any administrative procedures.

The Pastoral and Support Service
Your care is not limited to physical and psychological aspects, but also includes the spiritual, and possibly religious aspect.

The pastoral assistant is available to offer you spiritual support by listening carefully, providing company and understanding, while ensuring they respect your beliefs.

Dear patient,

The “Prostatakarzinomzentrum (PKZ)”, certified in accordance with the requirements of the German Cancer Society (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft), offers you optimal and personalised care. Our centre brings together all of the expert knowledge and state-of-the-art equipment required to diagnose, treat and provide long-term monitoring of prostate cancer.

This leaflet will help you understand out therapeutic concept.

Testimony from one of our patients,

Mr Nicholas Parkes, age 62, English, Manager, married, 3 children

“The Prostatakarzinomzentrum was recommended to me as it has state-of-the-art technology ; the doctors there are real subject-matter experts, trained in new technologies and they are multilingual.The medical specialists monitored me throughout my treatment, gave me clear explanations and recommendations for further treatment.
I was anxious but was quickly reassured as I was told that the treatment would be very quick and effective.
The coordination between all the specialists and staff was excellent from start to finish. The care that I received at the hospital was of a very high standard.
The doctors took the time to explain things to me, including the various different techniques. They are very good at explaining, involved and patient-focused. They clearly explained the options, techniques and effects of the various different procedures.
The medical staff are very friendly, competent and efficient. After the operation, I really appreciated the fact that an experienced nurse was able to answer my sensitive questions.
Coordination between the hospital’s departments and services is very important for the patient. The patient can really feel the coordination between all of the doctors and staff.”

You can find the testimonial on our website:

Useful links:

Fondation cancer
209, route d’Arlon
L-1150 Luxembourg
Tel. +352 45 30 331
email :

Support group for patients with prostate cancer
More information available on:

Prostataselbsthilfe Saarbrücken
Sittershöhe 14
D-66130 Saarbrücken
Tel. +49 6 81 87 28 81

Our medical care team is available to answer all your questions throughout the course of your treatment.


Hôpitaux Robert Schuman
9, Rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg
T +352 2468-1


T +352 2468 4280
(08:00 – 12:00 AND 14:00 – 18:00)
Fax + 352 2468 4285

Case Manager : +352 2468 3879